Monday, April 8, 2013

Develop Building Guidelines for Earthquake

Disaster Management Centre's Technical Advisory Committee formed a subcommittee to develop building guidelines for Earthquake.

Recently, some parts of Sri Lanka had experienced mild-shocks. The study of DMC has three components, such as

  1. Developing Seismic Hazard Map by University of Peradeniya
  2. Developing a 3 D model by National Building Rersearch Organization
  3. Develop building guidelines for engineered buildings by University of Moratuwa
If you would like to know more details on these studies contact

Disaster Management reading books for school students

Disaster Management Centre printed Disaster Management reading books for school students.These seven types of Disaster Management reading materials will be distributed in 7000 schools. The books are published in both Sinhala and Tamil languages.

If you are interested to get the softcopies of the books contact DMC or contact via e mail:

Strengthening Disaster Management Capacities in Conflict Affected Areas

Strengthening DM capacities of the conflict affected communities in North and East Provinces of Sri Lanka are being implemented by Disaster Management Centre with the finacial support of the Australian Government through Australian Aid. United Nations Development Programme is providing support in programme implementation and technical aspects of the project. 100 schools were rehabilitated as welfare centres that can be used by the people in a disaster situation, 50 Village Development Plans are being developed integrating DRR in to the community's development plan.

Construction Guidelines for Disaster Resilient Roads

Construction Guidelines for Disaster Resilient Roads are being developed by Road Development Authority, Disaster Management Centre and United Nations Development Programme.

It is observed that considerable length of the road network frequently affeted by Disasters. Frequently due to floods and landslides. The response agencies for disasters are faced difficulties to reach the affected communities through the land transport and provide relief in emrgencies. Further the government has to spend more money to rehabilitate the damaged roads.

Considering the above reasons the three organizations jointly developed the guidelines to construct disaster resilient roads. This will guide the technical people and the organizations involving in road constructions. This book is still in the draft version. If you are interested to read the draft and provide your comments, request the softcopy from Disaster Management Centre or contact via e mail:

Friday, April 5, 2013

How to make your house safe from natural disasters


One of the key lesson learnt from the Tsunami 2004 incident is the urgent need of introducing building guidelines to minimize the risk of the building collapses due to disasters.

UNDP supported Disaster Management Centre to form a Technical Advisory Committee and develop building guidelines for disaster prone areas. Especially for the most frequent hazards like floods, landslides and cyclones. "How to make your house safe from natural disasters" is the key publication that was issued by the Disaster Management Centre. The book explains the key points that a lamon or technical officer should consider when putting up a small house.

Drought tolerant traditional rice varieties are being tested in Sri Lanka

Nearly 100000 ha of paddy lands in Sri Lanka were severly affected by Drought in 2011. The government had to spend nealy six billion Rupees as aid to the farmers to recover from the damages.
As a long-term solution for this type of extreme climate hazard, United Nations Development Programme, Disaster Management Centre, Movement for Protecting Indeginous Seeds and Sri Lanka Red Cross Society initiated a research to identify traditional rice varieties which are tolerent to drough condition. The project aims to test the varieties and share the knowledge and seeds among thousands of farmers.

Development of guidebook for agricultural practitioners to combat the impacts of Climate Change for Agriculture sector in Sri Lanka

Practitioner's Guide Book on the Best Agricultural Practices for Drought and Floods in Sri Lanka

Prolonged drought and extreme rainfall are the major impacts of Climate Change despite the Sea Level rise which is another major slow on set issue. United Nations Development Programme had developed a wonderful guidebook call "Practitioners' Guide Book on the Best Agricultural Practices for Drought and Floods in Sri Lanka".

This was contributed by Disaster Management Centre, Council for Agriculture Research Policy and a group of academic lecturers in the Faculty of Agriculture of Peradeniya University of Sri Lanka.

The book amulgamated all the best practices (traditional and modern technology's efforts) in to one book in order to over come or/and minimize the agricultural damage due to excessive dry and wet conditions.